Our Demonstration Environmental Statement

Welcome to our demonstration site, showing you what your digital Environmental Statement could look like!

This digital document presents an example of what your Environmental Statement could look like for your planning proposal or project. 

The information and figures presented are based on a mock site and do not relate to a real application.

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An Environmental Statement (ES) reports on the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and accompanies the planning application for the proposed development.

The ES will accompany the application for development consent and will, where relevant and practicable, take into account the comments received during consultation with the community, statutory consultation bodies and other interested parties. 

Details of the consultation undertaken during the preparation of the application will be set out in a separate Consultation Report.

To enable stakeholders and the public to access these documents links will be provided, just click the button below.


A contents page allows the user to start from the beginning of your ES or jump straight to a chapter of interest.

Here we have created a short demo of eight chapters you might see in an ES.




Chapter 1 outlines why an Environmental Statement is needed and its structure.


Project Description

This chapter provides a description of the project and forms the basis for the environmental assessment.


Need and Alternatives

Chapter 3 provides a summary of the need for the project and the main alternatives considered.


Environmental Assessment Methodology

Chapter 4 outlines the approach and methodology adopted during the EIA process


Example Topic Chapter -Ecology and Nature Conservation

This chapter identifies and assesses the potential effects of the Project on the ecology and nature conservation interest.



All figures described with the ES are provided in one gallery.



All appendices including specialist reports can be downloaded from this section.

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