This chapter of the Environmental Statement (ES) assesses the likely significant effects resulting from the construction and operation of the project on landscape, townscape and visual resources. This includes the character and features of the landscape and townscape and the changes as a result of the Project. In addition, it considers the potential visual effects as a result of the Project. The methods and criteria used to assess potential effects on landscape, townscape and visual resources have been described.
As a matter of best practice, the assessment has been undertaken based on the relevant guidance on landscape and visual assessment within the Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (2013) ‘Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment’ 3rd Edition.
A Zone of Theoretical Visibility has been generated to establish the study area based on a maximum height of 6 metres. Baseline analysis work has been undertaken to identify the existing townscape character of the site. The assessment has made reference to published landscape and townscape assessments.
Baseline field work, including site surveys, has been undertaken to confirm the people that are likely to have views of the Project. This will be agreed with relevant consultees.
At a national level, the site is located within Natural England’s National Character Area (NCA) 000.The landscape character at a local county level is established by the East Wight Landscape Character Assessment (Brownscombe, 2015), with the site falling within the ‘Pasture Land’ landscape character type
A number of measures have been designed into the Project to reduce the potential for impacts including:
▪ retention of existing vegetation;
▪ proposed planting;
▪ proposed visual screens.
Landscape and Townscape Character
Due to the largely urban character of the site...
In terms of landscape effects, major adverse and significant effects are predicted. This effect would reduce such that it is not significant in the longer term, as vegetation establishes.
Significant adverse effects on surrounding landscape character areas within the wider area are unlikely as existing screening provided by existing vegetation and earth mounds would remain.
Visual Amenity
There are likely to be very few people who would experience significant adverse effects as a result of the Project.
No significant cumulative visual effects on visual receptors previously identified in Landscape, Townscape and Visual Resources are predicted based on the information available to date.